
By Shygirl73

Tall Ships Blyth 2016

We caught the early but to Blyth arriving at 9a.m. lt was quiet on the Quayside then so we walked along viewing the ships before the masses arrived.It was too early to go onboard as viewing times were from about 11:00. By the time we walked from one end to the other the queues were forming.I stood in one to see the Russian ship Shtandart which according to the Lady standing beside me she saw it on TV last night as they were speaking to the Captain. My blips aren't very good because l couldn't see where to press on the tablet.Never mind l tried.l was more impressed with the masts
than anything. Some at the end show the crowds and one of MY windmill which appears on all my Quayside blips.The queues at the end are people we passed as we were on the busThey were further along at the Park and ride. The traffic was bumper to bumper from Seaton Sluice along Blyth road.
Oh and as a bonus in all those crowds l bumped into Smiley Jean and Jane from Make do and mend ;-)

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