Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

That's odd

Two pairs of shoes for forty quid? Hardly ever happens.

The irony is we went to Guildford looking for footwear for TSM and she couldn't find anything at any price; but whilst sitting there I saw the sale rack and found these. That'll do nicely I said, grinning like only a smug member of the middle classes can when they have a bargain. Total saving of a hundred and ten .... now what can I spend that on?

It was strangely quiet. On the grass by a plaque saying "Guildford is a beautiful city - let's keep it that way" a bunch of old men with lager and cider were staggering around drunk and disorderly. Otherwise it was all a bit subdued. We did find an excellent stall selling sourdough and bought a Challah. The Girl racer got some bargain  jeans in Top Shop. We had coffee in Harris and Hoole, and lunch in Wagamamas. My warm tofu salad was to die for. Seriously tasty. 

The cleaners were in our house today to do an intense deep jobby and the whole place now feels ... well ... clean. Not natural really.  I'm sure the cats and young people will soon restore it to its normal messy state.

The day started with S. and I sharing notes on Amy Schumer and the merits of being a bear. I got a mention in her blog. Chuffed.

Might do movie night tonight. The Girl Racer has promised to bake again. There may be a thunderstorm....

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