What do you think .....

..... you're doing hanging about!!!!
How infra-dig Rev, hanging about like that!!!
No seriously it could have been a disaster, my really old ladder ( no I mean really old) gave way and we nearly had smashed Rev being taken to hospital!! How ever that didn't happen( luckily)?
O,J and The Rev have worked soo hard all day , they were here at 9.15am it is now 4.55pm and altho' J left at 4.30pm O and The Rev are still working hard to finish the job. New guttering around the bungalow is no easy task I'm so very grateful to them all.
Apart from making a few cups of tea and coffee I've done little today. Maybe it's ok for me to have had that break, must make up for it tomorrow tho', then maybe not its according to what A wants to do, but hey ho there's always another day!
Just to add to the traumas of the day The Rev has received 3 wasp stings, as a nest was found !! Must get this attended to after the weekend , wasps are so dangerous in great volumes. A few years ago I had a very bad infected hand due to a wasp sting on my ring finger followed by a worrying few months as my blood count was abnormal .
KJD came up mid- morning after doing a few jobs and making bacon and sausage rolls for the D.I.Y . gang, she and I went done to the garden centre for a cream tea . That was lovely to have a bit of time with her. O has just come in to show me an horrendous photo of the angry / frustrated wasps. ?
O goes back to Greece on Monday which will be sad for me but he just loves being over there, so good luck to him " living out his dream" . Hopefully I may get out to see him in the not to distant future.
Just remains for me to say a big big thank you to you all.
The time is now5.30pm and no sign of finishing any time soon!!!

Happy ...... to have such a caring family, who are so willing to give up their time for me. Thank you all once again , love you all.

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