
By DancingAly


Whenever I'm in Spain, Tinto de Verano is the drink of choice ;-) 

We had a chilled day at home before heading into Malaga this evening. I always manage to come the week of the Feria, so after googling in advance to check that there were no Bank Holidays, and that the shops would be open, it was looking good. Friday 19th is a Bank Holiday so we figured today was our day.

Normally we go in the morning, and it's very hot. Although we were sweating to death after walking up the hill to catch the train, we thought it would be cooler the later we went. 

There were lots of people dressed in traditional costumes, but the shops were shut! And I was a bit disappointed having come all the way there! We had a little wander, took some pictures, and had a nice drink before we headed back to our little town. 

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