Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


A selection of grasses from around the pond. I suspected it was going to be after nine this evening before I got to pick up a camera so I collected these bits of grass while walking the dog. That was nearly a mistake because this is usually the signal for a game with Tilly where she jumps up to grab them as soon as they are plucked from the ground. I on the other hand usually tease her remorselessly by pulling them away just as she reaches the top of he jump. Still, she keeps coming back for more.

Anyway, I managed to get these home undamaged.

Technical Info - flashgun manual 1/4 power sets to 50mm pointing forwards toward the camera then into a small reflector angled back towards the grass. A piece of mount card on the left to reflect back and black mount card at about 500mm behind out of the reflected light. Metered at f11 200 ISO at 1/100 sec. Laptop crashed so minor adjustments on the iPad for levels and a slight sharpen.

Photographically, maybe not up there but a challenge for 20 minutes.

By the way - promised interview didn't happen. Going to be a few weeks. Eh ho!

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