
By Indy653

Off for lunch

"Your loss has left a bitter ache,
But that I cherish for your sake.
For something of you will remain,
As long as memory is pain." Enoch Powell

I read Enoch Powell's biography in my late teens/early twenties. A very interesting man, and although I am miles away from him politically, I couldn't help be impressed by his erudition. Reading the book introduced me to the poetry of A. E. Housman - a favourite of Powell's and I loved Powell's own poem about his break up with an early love.

Today was the 2nd anniversary of Steve's death and being foodies we all went out for a meal and celebratory toast in his honour. I know Steve felt that the only immortality we have is through our children and he would have loved the idea of us all being together and enjoying each other's company. And of us toasting him - a great partner, dad and grandad! Not a sad celebration but an affirmation of love and life!

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