Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


As H predicted, this place became the “do you have” boatyard today,  The friends on the sailboat with a broken whatever (always something not working on a boat) kept asking “Do you have” the wire, the part, the tape, the glue, the O-ring?  After much hunting and retrieving and trial and error it did get fixed… and then it was time to meet the ferry that Tatum’s family arrived on this afternoon and send friend A off on it heading to the next island where her grandparents live.  The girls had a good week in the guest cottage…now Fiona and Maple sugar will change the dynamics.  H and I went out to eat with his 2 colleague sailboat friends at the marina.  (extra)
In between the action with all these people, I managed a little solo walk with the wbc challenge in mind….Churches (or places of worship)….
......this forest does it for me!     ( and those colored lens reflections are just aimed at the “faerie chair” …..)  so this will be the quiet blip for today… more people tomorrow. :-)

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