Richness of reality
Cerddon ni i Barc Mynydd Bychan heddiw. Roedd rhaid i ni groesi A470, sy ddim yn ddymunol oherwydd rhaid i ni ddefnyddio tanffordd cerddwyr brwnt, o dan y ffordd brysur. Ond dwi'n hoffi'r parc ac mae'r lôn dawel o'r A470 i'r parc hefyd. Mae'r blodau yn pylu ond maen nhw'n troi lliwiau gyfoeth hefyd. Mwynheuon ni ein cerdded o gwmpas y parc ac ar y ffordd adre penderfynon ni i fwyta cinio yn yr Aneurin Bevan. Ces i filet eog a salad ac syndi hufen ia mawr hefyd.
We walked into Heath Park today. We had to cross the A470, which is not pleasant because we have to use the dirty pedestrian underpass, under the busy road. But I like the park and the quiet lane from the A470 to the park as well. The flowers fade but they are turning rich colours too. We enjoyed our walk around the park and on the way home we decided to eat dinner at the Aneurin Bevan. I had a filet of salmon and salad and large ice cream sundae too.
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