College Art
It can't be street art as it is on the wall of Andover College. The college is across the road from work. You can tell by the state of the grass that the geese like it there too
Go large if your dare - its very vivid
History Lesson Part 2 (If you missed Part 1 select here
At the time of the Domesday Book (1086) Andover had 107 male inhabitants and probably had a total population of about 500. Note they didn't mention the women!!!! It was quite a large settlement by the standards of the time. (Most villages had only 100 to 150 people). Andover also had 6 watermills which ground grain to flour.
The things that made me smile:
Jason Kenny winning the Gold for the Cycling Sprint
Dash (my cat that lives next door) was waiting for me when I came home. He and Milo met on the doorstep. Milo's tail wagged. Dash's tail swished. He declined to come in. Milo was confused. So he searched all of downstairs with his nose on the floor just to check that he wasn't indoors somewhere
Exercise: Waved my 4kg weights in time to some music
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