
A morning drive out to Yellowcraigs with Iain and the SBG. I still love the fact that if you walk round the dunes for 10 minutes, you'll practically have the place to yourself.

The dark clouds overhead lifted, and we spent several hours paddling, chatting, collecting and enjoying the quiet of the beach.

Home to hose down the sandy kids, then a book before dinner.

While reading the book, we heard an almighty bang...and when we looked out the window to investigate, we saw a car had hit another one (which had ploughed into 2 more), and then flipped over, coming to land in front of a bus, which had stopped to pick up folk.

It was chaos. People running to help, screaming for an ambulance and everyone from the bus, standing about, looking dazed.
It was horrible.

The road was cordoned off for several hours.

So many people speed up this road, I think it's time they added speed bumps or something to stop it. Iain's car was written off a couple of weeks after we moved here, by someone flying along to fast.

Scary stuff.

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