All Hands On Deck

...Well kind of.
For the first time in what seems like ages we all managed to get to the beach this afternoon.
We have been sick as dogs with some dreaded lurgy ........its going around...a rather pernicious and nasty strain...that is wending its way through the shire.
The house hunting continues...lordy we have tried so many different avenues and highways and alley ways...still our house is eluding us.....I do however have a lot of rather fabulous support going on many have their fingers and toes crossed (my friend is complaining she cannot paint)...prayers in North India from the lovely Tibetans are been said for us and candles are being lit.
I am not joking about how difficult it has been....but we are plowing through and perhaps (I hope) we have come to the pointy end and things will open soon.

Enough of that now...I am trying to not let it consume me completely ....however this survival stuff is very powerful.

It was a rather piddly sunset not much color or light to speak of but the boy always brightens things up.....and....even though it was lovely to be down by the water and Rumi was in 7th heaven we didn't stay started to get cold fast....and we are all (especially Jaiya and I)  still feeling rather delicate.

Wise words...I need to take heed of them.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

- Gautama Buddha

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