Happy 2nd Birthday Nell

Bitty day. Mike went to the car boot. Made £90 but practically gave half the stuff away and brought a lot home which we now have to get to a charity shop and put somewhere in between. At least it was all stored before. Not convinced its worth the effort to be honest! I took Tobes to rugby. 

This arvo we had dogs to walk between showers and four sets of cats to feed. I had planned to ride but for some reason my knee is really painful and a bit swollen. It just started hurting this morning as we were getting ready to leave the house. No idea what it is but probably wouldn't have been a good idea to ride and by the time I had done all the feeding I didnt have time anyway. 

Did a bit of housework and baked Nell's bday cake (peanut butter and carrot) whilst Mike walked the second set of dogs for me as I was hobbling about a bit by this point. 

After dinner we decided as it had been a bit of a crappy day to have a film night. We watched how to train a dragon, which the kids loved. Once they were in bed we decided to watch another film, but fell asleep on the sofa and woke up at 3 am!! AAArghh! Got to stop doing that! 

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