Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Herding cats.......

I was left on my own for a while with grandson Jake and Nephew 1&2 whilst the older contingent went on the rollercoasters for tall humans and those who wish to bring up their last meal and maybe even soil ones undergarments .
Three boys who are airy fairy wandering IDIOTS... Twenty minutes to walk 10 metres...
I took them on the mono rail which isn't a mono rail because it has two tracks but two rail thingy does not sound so good ... Then we went on the flying helicopter ride which made me heave ... The three stooges enjoyed it though,not me heaving the ride ...
Jenny my sister in law and Lucy went off to have a go on the log flume .. They were AWOL for roughly 45 minutes .. When they were found they were not just damp,oh no they were SOAKED TO THE SKIN... Being the wily humans we are we had spare clothes back at the cars so they only had to walk half a mile squelching and looking half drowned ... One memory that will stay with me forever is turning around to see my brother wringing water from Jenny's knickers !!!! She wasn't in them any more ... Oh and nor was she naked,she had skilfully changed into dry clothes with no one noticing ...

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