
By philmorris

Chipping Camden, Gloucestershire

The East Banqueting House and Tower of the Church of St James.

I love this combo of house and church tower, in its dozing, rural setting. After coffee and a read of the Sundays we left the church at the north end and set out over fields of grazing sheep and with the sun at out backs. We took a journey of crests and climbs to neighbouring Broad Camden, entering the hamlet via a lovely apple orchard surmounting a hill. Peering back, the sky looked eager to break, and in the course of our return via Westington we got caught in a short-lived shower.  Rather like in this picture, the rain soon steamed off.

Over at Walsgrave Hospital, this past week my Dad had endured more downs than ups which I was disinclined to report. This afternoon however, I found him in better spirits, eating and drinking a little and generally more like he was say 2 months ago.

Some of the history of the banqueting house and its refurbishment may be found here.

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