Ashbourne, Derbyshire

A beautiful Peak District town, surrounded by magnificent countryside, full of tradition from the Shrove Tide Football to the tried and tested  methods used on the farms.

But for me it only means one thing - the DENTIST.

I'm neurotic about dentists. I was scared as a child and refused to go again for ages. Finally I was persuaded by my parents to try a new dentist in the nearby town of Ashbourne. There I was reassured and succumbed to the huge number of fillings that were the vogue then.

I went to university (and went to the dentist in the vacations)
I took my first job and tried to enrol at a local dentist. I got to the front door and fled.
I tried again a couple of times, but never quite made it through the door.
I kept returning to the safe dentist in Ashbourne.
A friend of my brother joined the practice and he has been my dentist for years and years.

But, time has gone by, as it does. He has retired.

Today was my first visit to "the new one".
Everyone said he was lovely. Even the receptionist says they've had good reports from some of their most nervous clients.

They were all wonderful.
My hygienist even nipped in to see him before it was my turn.

He was charming.
I think I trust him.
Relief !!!!!

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