Another Day, Another Steam Room

The most incredible thing about today was leaving the office building in Abu Dhabi to get a taxi to my hotel. My client had warned me it was exceptionally humid, even for here, as he could not see across the bay for the steam in the air. I stepped onto the broadwalk and was instantly blinded as my glasses steamed up. My shirt swept through the sensation that I'd put it on a millisecond after it had been ironed with the hottest of irons to the 'soak and cling' stage of instant moisture absorption - from the air and from my torso - with leach-like attachment to every contour of my frame. My trousers did the same in parallel. There were no ladies in white T shirts around otherwise we'd have had quite a contest!

I had to wait forty-five minutes in forty-five degrees celsius and over 90% humidity before I go to the front of the taxi queue. My clothes hung limply as I strained and stretched them to get into the back seat . . . imagine coming out of a swimming pool in a dress suit and trying to sit down elegantly at table for lunch.

Meeting today went well. Seven hours this time.

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