
By Annieone

Isn't This Pretty?

Went out in the garden early this morning and this is what I found.....the last of my Brocolli plants not only going to seed, but, with these very pretty tiny, yellow flowers on.....I hadn't realised that this was what happened to Brocolli, as was my first time to grow it and only ever bought it before.. and didn't know we were eating such cute flowers!!!!!
It's a strange one though, all of it was ready last week, so we ate it every day and it was delicious......but it 'went over' and to seed very quickly...
I did read in one of my gardening books how to freeze it, but never got to do it as it was too quick for me...
Has anyone experience of growing it???
Not a bad day here today, so off out now to do some more work now.......!!

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