Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mean Streets of Surrey

Had dinner with Mrs S. tonight; we manage to get together every few months to catch up. It was lovely although the outside promise of Mr B joining us sadly went unfulfilled. 

Went to the Italian that I had visited last week with TSM and The Girl Racer. Excellent food but it was a hot night in Leatherhead and the streets were full of high emotions which resulted in a fight outside the Wetherspoons opposite.

I've seen quite a few fights outside pubs (and one or two inside); I do come from South London after all. They are always they same. A flurry of badly aimed punches, a lot of shouting, and a few broken glasses. Not usually this early in the evening 'though (it wasn't even 8pm). But it always amuses me when, as tonight, someone tries to hit someone else with a chair. They've seen too many Hollywood movies. The average bit of bar furniture is very heavy and when the guy tried to lift it above his head all he did was fall over backwards on his arse and make himself look stupid. This is real life mate, not something made of balsa wood.

Anyway I walked down the hill afterward to the much more sedate Running Horse by the bridge over the river Mole. That's more like it.

Not much more to say about today except I didn't cope at work; fell asleep in the car for 45 mins after work and was woken up by The Dizzle just in time or I would have been late for meeting Mrs S. Not sure what the answer to this is ....


Four years ago today The Dizzle performed in Footloose

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