Half of Half

The panos didn't work out (as you know, but of course I gave it a go), so this is half of one of my two first-year classes, shot during our introduction week talk.  Well, I did most of the talking.  I told them I had better take a shot while there were not yet many absentees.

Everything has been going okay.  Too early for more statements of this kind, but as long as I stay organized and motivated, no reason not to stay this way, largely speaking anyway.

Up to my hair roots now, so this is it.  Immensely thankful for the grand holiday and the good feelings it has left me, and hubby as well.

For the blog:
The UWV (Dutch abbreviation, never mind what it means), which takes charge of sickness benefits, decided before the holiday to cut off hubby's benefits once and for all ... but hubby was allowed to protest within a given period, which he did, and the judge replied while we were on holiday, asking hubby to submit copies of ALL the relevant mail he received from the UWV regarding this matter.  It has been especially stressful to him and he needed all of today to write his accompanying letter.  I had already copied all of the material at work, so that was complete, and prepared the large envelope, but dear hubby stayed petrified for a while, fearful that the letter wasn't good and playing the 'what-if' game in his head, and I had to remind him that we had agreed not to have any expectations, that we were doing just fine, that none of this was his fault, and that he shouldn't imagine things before they happened.  Relief!  I will go with him tomorrow to the court office to hand it in (he prefers this to sending it by post).  For my part, I also just want to see for myself that it is finished.

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