B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Break between Seniors

I've been busier than normal with my photography - senior sessions mostly. I'm very thankful that Mom and Dad watched the kiddos today - as it was so hot and I spent most of the day shooting outside.

While waiting for my afternoon session to arrive at the community center, I was drawn to the flower beds lining the walk to the library. These especially - the globe on top was huge - at least the size of a small plum.

I'm very thankful to have the extra income, but today am feeling like I have overscheduled myself. With Old Home days this weekend, I will be busy all weekend - leaving me to think "what was I thinking?".

Time will move on, and so will I - I'll make it through the weekend and these sessions.... but for now - I'm going to stop and enjoy the quiet.

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