A day...

... Of doing a million things. Katie spent an hour in the office with me, doing some writing and some pictures. She then when with friends to a different holiday club. She had fun and saw some other friends but said "it wasn't as good as ours"- my fiercely loyal monkey.

Katie and her two friends came back to the office after holiday club and did craft for half an hour. I took then all then to the theatre to see "The Giants Loo Roll". It was pretty terrible but the kids loved the interactive stuff like the massive inflatable toilet roll bouncing round the auditorium, and the water squirting and going on stage at the end to have photos with the cast (of two). Katie's school dance teacher choreographed it so she was pleased to see it. I took them all for a babyccino and a play in the park.

When we'd said goodbye to her friends it was time for swimming lessons! They did water circuit training and she loved it. We stopped at m&s for Wednesday night bargains then headed out to her piano teachers. As we passed our neighbour there was a box of fresh apples from their tree. They were beautiful! We watered B's plants and had been given instructions to pick the sweet peas and raspberries so they weren't wasted. Katie was happy to oblige. We sat in the evening sun, her fresh fruit and her pretty posey, a wonderfully peaceful way to end the day

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