
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. I hope you have all had a good day. I have been doing a lot of busying around, as the Landlord is coming for his 3 monthly Inspection on Saturday. Not that the house needed much!
Anyhow, I was folding up some washing, when I suddenly spotted 2 Butterflies on my marigolds. Well, that was it, the washing went flying, as I quickly went to get my camera! I have wanted to get a shot of a butterfly for so very long.I very rarely see them. Although there was a lovely blue one last week, but it flew off before I could get a shot!! Anyhow,  I thought to myself, it's bound to be gone when I get back. I was in luck, as one of them stayed for quite a long time. I believe it is a Tortoiseshell ....correct me if I am wrong!
I managed to get a shot of it! Whoopee!!!
Thank you all for following me, and for all your stars and Hearts which you have kindly given me. You are so very kind! Please take care.
Theresa.x   PS; Even nicer in Full Screen.

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