Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo


We're off on our travels tomorrow so it's difficult when you have so many dogs, we take 4 and good reason for 3 of them.
Theo comes for obvious reasons his seizures and heart troubles and leaving him would just stress him more. Daisy May is too old to leave with anyone as I'd hate them to have the responsibility of caring for her. KoKo is very lame plus she's had enough grief over the last few days. Roo comes with me because he loves the beach and adventure.

So the remaining dogs get split into two gangs kanga, lily, Bean and Mimi go to stop with Shirley and Wolf and Mexi and Chingar go back to their breeder, not always wise as she has puppies and i fall in love every time,

This is lottie what a beauty she's sadly not for sale as she's going to be used for showing.She had a white stripe all down her back too!

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