Swimmers' Log Book



I struggled to think of a title for today, but decided I want it to be about the pride I feel when I see our swimmers. I feel so privileged to have been a part of this training camp, as you truly could not get a nicer, more respectful, dedicated, funny (and quirky) group of athletes.
They have worked so hard over these last three days- 8 pool sessions, intermixed with tough gym work (including flipping tractor tyres!). I've watched their changing emotions- bubbling highs and tearful, tired lows - and seen how brilliantly they support each other through these. Their ages range from 12 to 23, boys and girls, yet this doesn't seem to matter at all, they all get on so well.
Chloe is returning to the squad after more than three years without training, but she fitted right back in and did so well in keeping up. A two hour training session will be nothing now!!! So, so proud of her! (Joe did his best to avoid me and my camera, and I tried to give him space.)
Thank you to Dave and Em for all their hard work in putting the camp together, and thank you to the swimmers for their lovely comments in my thank you card.
One final example of their amazingness:
While taking photos one of the young lads, that I don't know particularly well, kicked so hard that my camera and I got rather wet. Not a problem, happens all the time, but when he got out I jokingly ordered him to do 20 press-ups as 'punishment'. He looked at me apologetically and I smiled and waved it off. Next thing I knew he was down doing the press-ups! Bless! He knew (I hope) that he didn't have to, and it was done in good humour, but as coach said, it showed a healthy respect and work ethic; both important parts of being a successful athlete. I hope he has a great season!

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