Sundial 24 Linlithgow

Weary Katie sits resting beneath a tree after having a refreshing drink from the nearby well. It is tiring driving the cattle and this is a favourite place where she frequently rests and listens to the birds singing in the trees.

Tim Chalk designed this sculpture in in West Port in Linlithgow to commemorate a local 19th century drover known as Katie Wearie.  She used to rest beneath the tree which became known as Katie Wearie’s Tree until it blew done and was replaced by a new tree.   The sculpture is an unusual sundial with the gnomon represented by a bird which is just visible against the sunlit leaves.  The hour lines are marked on the ground with little tiles representing local trades and crafts and a seating area behind.

It would have been a very pleasant place for my friend and I to have our picnic but it was more peaceful sitting beside the Grand Union Canal away from the busy road.

This is sundial 24 from my collection of sundial blips which can be viewed on the sundials tag.

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