First Schoolyear 2016-2017 Road Shot

The day started cloudy but the ugly duckling turned into a swan shortly after noon and stayed that way till sunset.  Wild dreams of it staying this way until October.

First went with hubby to the court office in Breda to submit the docs the judge asked for.  Waiting game again.  Hubby has done what he could.

Back home, back to the computer to do some work.  I noticed that the USB for work was acting strangely.  Decided to drive to work to sort it out.  I thought it had something to do with the fact that they use Office 2010 at work while my laptop is still using Office 2007.  Normally the 2010 version should be able to accommodate the 2007 version, so I only had problems opening 2010 version documents at home, which I solved by using 2007 documents for new files, which I could then open both at home and at work.  When I got to the office, my USB refused to open and I constantly got messages to format.  Unable to work with it, I ended up going home again and it refused to open at home, too.  In short, I had no option but to discard.  Can you imagine how thankful I was that I had back-ups?  At least, the most important files have been saved, and even a lot more with less priority, but I have been spending the past few hours retrieving from various mails a number of other docs which I could no longer open.  Tomorrow, there will be no need for me to go to Rotterdam either, so I will continue with my mail and my planning here at home.

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