Box Girl!

Miss L took one of the boxes the paint came in and disappeared off into her room with it tonight. She emerged looking like this - banging into furniture and ricocheting off walls! 
It was a hideous shock to the system to be woken up by an alarm this morning. About two hours before I've been used to waking up. Uuuughhhhh!!
I stumbled out of bed, got the Little Misses' breakfast, had a shower, marvelled at the fact that they got dressed without being shouted at, poured my tea into my travel mug as there was no time to drink it and set off to Miss E's school to drop them off for Summer camp.
Once I'd dropped them off I went over to Milton Keynes for decorating supplies. And Pritt Sticks. 
I forgot to mention the other day that I bought Miss L a new wardrobe on eBay. I was chuffed to get it for £16 (maximum bid of £100, woohoo!!) and quite enjoyed my jaunt up to Northampton to get it . It's a little mini pine wardrobe - very cute! But it's got a terrible spray paint finish and I plan to paint it.
Having asked my friend Mrs G how to paint furniture done extensive research I bought everything I need and am raring to go. Miss L has  chosen gorgeous flowery wallpaper and her wardrobe will be a duck egg blue. Blips to follow I'm sure!!
Once I got back I ordered some winter uniform for Miss E - she doesn't need it until after half term but someone happened to mention that they need it for school photos in a couple of weeks. Annoying!
Then I went to Miss L's school to get some uniform bits for her. Most of the stuff was second hand when Miss E got it so some of it's looking a bit scratty now and I thought the least I could do was get her some PE shorts without a hole in the bum!
As I was at school I went upstairs to say hello to Mrs B, Miss L's teacher last year. It was lovely to see her and we ended up chatting for ages. So long in fact that I was late going to pick the Little Misses up!!
Handily enough when I got there there was a huge pile of perfectly sized boxes next to a huge recycling bin in the car park. I took as many as would fit in my boot!!
You can never have too many cardboard boxes!

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