Says it all

Well, 2190 blips without a break. That's 6 years of taking at least one photo every day - some days hundreds of them. Then today I've cheated and 'created' my image instead.

Some days blipping is easy; images are easy to obtain and/or I have time to give serious consideration to what I blip. Other days it's a battle; time's short or no images present themselves through the day. Those are the days that I've blipped rubbish.

There have been times, particularly when my son was killed and again since I took on this crazy busy job, that I've given serious consideration to packing it in. But it is equally at those times that blip has been my saviour in giving me something else to focus on - a bit of time each day when I can 'zone out' of other pressures and just think about photography.

But I think the major part of what keeps me here is the community, so thank you all for helping me maintain my sanity/focus. I am very grateful that blip still exists!

Today we have so many staff involved in other activities outside school that I was asked to be 'manager' of our table tennis team at a tournament. The boys mostly organise themselves so I've managed a morning, pretty much uninterrupted, on the work I brought with me. Then I've spent a half hour on this blip (lunch time), and now I'm going to immerse myself in work again.

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