Spring has Sprung
When I walked through the park this morning, I noticed that these grape hyacinths were starting to bloom. Lovely to see some colour after the long dull winter. The grape hyacinths will be followed by daffodils, then blue bells. The driveway will look very pretty for a few weeks.
I am putting up my photo early, as I am now off to the School Assembly, where little 'h' is taking part. Then it is off out to Luggate for our usual Friday meal together.
I am off up to the Snow Farm in the morning, as the Merino Muster takes place. There will be competitors from all over the world taking part, I hope to get some great photos. There are 3 races in one - 42 k,s 21 k,s and a 7 k race. Weather will be sunny, the snow pretty good, so there should be some great racing.
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