
A very, very dreich day in London, but the birds didn't mind it - this blackbird spent a long time sticking his beak around the garden and digging out tasty morsels.

We spent the day indoors by the fire - I made Christmas cards and finished my book. Whisky and F sat nearby. Our neighbours came round to drop off the keys for cat-sitting duty and they told us that they'd been burgled recently, during a work morning when hardly anyone is around, though F would have been here that particular day and perhaps that prevented us getting burgled. They climbed into the back garden and smashed through the back door, taking laptops and small, but valuable, items. It's made us quite nervous about our security.

Watched a couple of films in the evening: "Where on Earth is Osama Bin Laden?' (thoughtful and funny), and 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' (very funny indeed).

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