17years ....

..... old and still going strong!
This little beauty I've blipped several times, in various stages, it rewards me with flowers at least twice a year. It has been in this state for 3 months now, however do the flowers hang on??
It looks as if it may rain now, but the sun has been quite hot until now ( 1.00pm) I was out before 9am , did a light shop at M and S . Then I went to see Rosemary, who being so poorly a few weeks ago, looks really quite well and walking ( with help ) progression from a wheelchair . I keep commending the care at Woolfe House but it really does deserve it.
I wonder what Strictly will wheel out to us tonight!!! Tho' I like it , I do wonder if it has had its day????
Hope you all have a good weekend .

Happy .... to see Rosemary doing so well

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