The Orient Express

By koko

Coastal path friends

Well was woken in the night by heavy rain bouncing on the motorhome roof and it was still around when I got up. So it was a little walk around the local shops. By late afternoon thankfully it brightened up and I decided to take a walk along the coastal path where it's meant to be good for seeing Dolphins, well the Dolphins didn't show but I saw these two cuties instead. The stout was a tiny baby crying for its mom, it the spotted me and starting running towards me. I did panic a little and had to run away from it as it was heading straight for my legs. I had visions of it cuddling up to me. I did feel very sorry for it as it really was crying for its mom. Hope they got reunited.
A little further on and I saw this tiny shrew, it didn't seem bothered that I was there, and I followed it as it was busy eyeing up the slugs, it choose very carefully and was happily munching away. I would have been pleased seeing one of these two, but to see the both was amazing. Nature is wonderful sometimes.

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