Illuminated blue feet....really?!

Left the campsite early to go to let some workmen into work. Had to drive The Dadski's pride and joy escort. Oh......good.......grief!!

I hadn't even got to the main road before the hood tried to unlock itself and succedded on one side! I had to keep stopping and trying to lick it again. In the end I just put the roof down as it was sunny.

Go to work and the blooming roof wouldn't go back up again - gggrrrr. The work blokes had to put it up for me with pure muscle in the end, just before the heaven's opened. It needs a new roof.

After a day of work (and a pub lunch) I had to drive the thing back to the campsite. The roof tried to unlock itself again and did indeed succeed again! Then it rained so I put the lights on and!!!!! The floor lights up blue as well as the centre console!! Good grief!

Now settled after having a BBQ with The Dadski and Big Bro before they left for home. I've taken advantage of the break in the rain to pack a log of stuff away and can only hope that the awning is dry enough to put away tomorrow morning.

Now snuggling with The Dopski watching Despicable Me - still incredibly funny :)

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