
I was sitting in the car with the camera in my lap this morning but still missed the best blip ever. We had just driven into Spring Lake and spotted three rangers, two men and a woman and a maintenance worker who had joined in the chase to catch a goose who most decidedly did not want to be caught.They formed a circle around it and it ran between their legs. They ran after it and one ranger fell flat on his face when he launched himself at the fleeing goose. Somebody forgot to tell him that geese can fly but he can't. They finally captured it and put it in a cardboard box. They told me that it was a domestic goose which was probably dropped off at the park by someone who didn't know, or care, that the large population of Canada geese would beat up on it. 

While Ozzie and I waited at Flying Goat for OilMan to get our Aztek Mochas two little girls approached us. The younger one asked if she could pat Ozzie while she was already patting him and wound up lying down with her head on him. She asked me what kind of dog he is and if he could sing. I said 'sort of, but maybe you could teach him to sing.' She got very serious and frowned, giving grave consideration to the proposition. She finally announced that she didn't speak dog. I looked at the older girl who just smiled indulgently….I would have loved to capture an image of them, but was so charmed that I forgot all about my camera.

We are fortunate to be able to give Connections' daughter, M a place to stay tonight while she is in town to attend a friend's wedding. Once again I am amazed at the benefits of being part of such an amazing circle of people. It really is like having a worldwide family to call upon. We sat out on the porch for some cheese and fruit before M had to leave for the wedding, but we look forward to getting a little better acquainted tomorrow. Hope M will convince you and Philpo to join us soont, Connections.

*Thanks to OilMan for taking the picture. 

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