Helena and Arvin

Which photo to use? A family one that will bring back memories of the day when I look back to this entry? A beautiful sunset? The rich colors of some wild rose hips? More jays playing in the air? That was the question I mulled over as I did my blip this evening. Finally I chose the first option.  A year from now I will care more about seeing them as they were today than I will about the other photos. So here they are.

We spent most of the day together. First Arvin and I had our haircuts from Miki. Then we went to the Farmer's Market where we met Helena. It was close to lunch time so we shopped and then had pizza for lunch. Then we walked up Cornwall Street to Chocolate Necessities for gelato. It was the first long walk Arvin's taken since he got his infection. We took it slowly but he made it fine. 

When we got home it was around 4 in the afternoon. The jays were gathering because they are now used to getting a bit of a snack in the afternoon. So the three of us sat on the deck while I plied them with peanuts and took lots of photographs. The best one is in the extras.

After a light dinner of soup and salad we went down to the harbor to walk at Zuanich Point. It was a perfect day, cloudy but with plenty of sun shining through. We took another good walk again stopping regularly for Arvin to sit and rest. He did great. We stayed long enough to take in a lovely sunset and then took Helena home. We got home around 8:30 and watched a bit of TV before bed. It was a lovely day.

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