Memory Laydown Walk 2016

I was due to do the Memory walk in London with Mr W, Gill, Jasmine and 2 other friends in aid of Alzheimers Research. I was really looking forward to the day as the 7km walk was round a really nice route close to Tower Bridge. I was advised against even going by the osteopath yesterday because of my bad back, but me being me, I wasn't able to not go so went and thought I'd see how I felt when we got to the start line.

Then I lay down on a picnic blanket!!!!

I did feel a bit sad that everyone had to go without me as I love a good walk, but tried to listen to my body!!! The others had a great time with Mr W working the hardest as Jasmine kept wanting a piggy back!!

After the walk, we stopped in the Hayes Galleria for a pizza before heading back to the station. At one point I thought Id never get there as I was in agony and contemplated calling an ambulance!!!!! Then I manned up and carried on hobbling supported by my strong husband!!!!

Id like to say it was a great day out. It certainly would have been if I had have been fit, especially as Jenny (a friend of Karens who joined us for the Muddy Run) had made us Viennese Whirl cakes! But never mind!!

I think the highlight of Mr W's day was an ENORMOUS boat, probably a ship, passed under Tower Bridge. Id love to know which famous person owned that!!!! See extras!

Then in the afternoon, I had a phone call from my best friend Shirley who, as some of you know, is actually my Ex sister in law. Her father, who I have known, respected and admired for 30 years has terminal cancer. He was treated for bladder cancer this year but it has spread to him lymph glands in his groin. He has asked if he can come and see my house. Its on his 'Bucket list' apparently.   Then, to my shock (and horror!) her mum said she would like to come. I havnt spoken to  Lillian in the whole time that I have been separated and divorced from her son. She was told alot of rubbish about me that she believed and hasnt really been very nice towards me. Of course, Id love to grant Brian his dying wish but Mr W isn't really open to the idea of Lilian being here which I can understand and respect but that means I can't ofer Brian what he is asking and he said he won't come without Lillian. So here we go again, me stuck in the middle of others peoples wishes and desires!! Why does Divorce have to be so tricky, so many years down the line!!!!!

So, this is me, just before I had a little lay down whilst the others are having a little Jolly over the Bridge!!

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