Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

Camera Clock

Much later uploading today after a fairly eventful 24 hours!
This rather gorgeous camera clock was given to me by CarolB for doing her wedding photos.....I am so thrilled with it and it has pride of place in my house......
I finally got my Panasonic GX8 back yesterday after it had been away for almost 5 weeks...and Panasonic found nothing wrong with it despite the shop seeing the problem I was having with it not switching on and off properly.....I was disgusted to hear that the shop...my rather excellent local photography store had to pay a fee of £20 because they were unable to find any faults...other retailers would have passed this fee on to me...but they didn't ....particularly as they had seen the fault clearly for themselves....plus Panasonic "forgot" to send the camera back when it was requested in time for the wedding shoot and in fact didn't even post it back until over a week later when they were reminded by the shop that it had been expected (and promised) back for the wedding on the 27th August.  All in all I'm pretty disappointed with Panasonic about how this has been dealt with but full of praise for the shop who tried very hard to get it all sorted and who came through with a loan camera on the morning of the wedding so that I still had two cameras with me...

Yesterday my slightly forgetful husband left his Nintendo 3DS XL at an automated checkout in our local Tesco then store....he didn't realise he didn't have it until we got home....so I got my son to go in and ask if they'd found it which they told him they hadn't....although he did say they couldn't really be bothered to look or ask anyone about it.  So I reported it stolen to the Police and they were all set to go back to Tesco this afternoon to ask if they could review CCTV footage so they could see who might have picked it up.  I wasn't convinced completely that it wasn't in fact still at Tesco so we popped in this afternoon but this time I asked to see the duty manager.  As soon as I started telling her about it she stopped me and said' "I think I've seen it in our safe"...so off she went and lo and behold it had been there the whole time but no-one bothered to check.  In the meantime I had messaged the store on Facebook to which I have yet to receive a reply...so messaged the main Tesco Facebook and got a rather curt reply saying they had checked and it wasn't there....so I duly went back to them and told them it was indeed there and I had picked it up....imagine my surprise when I got a response saying, "It's not our responsibility to take care of customers' property when it's left in the store"...to which I take great exception...if they put stuff belonging to customers in their safe then I believe they do have a responsibility to at least tell customers when they appear asking if they have it!  Not at all happy with the tone of the reply so needless to say a further response has been sent to the effect of "yes you do!" and by the way lose the attitude..sometimes customers have queries and being rude to them does not help!  Thankfully said hubby has his prized 3DS back and he's delighted...our local Game store actually put out an appeal on Facebook when we told them that the 3DS was missing and they even offered a reward for it's return which was extremely kind of them....some stores know how to treat their customers!

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