Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

25 Very Happy Years!

We took our wee 2CV car out today on a spin around Barcelona to celebrate a special date: 25 years ago to the day we arrived in Barcelona in Francoise, our little 2CV. Alan was 31 and I was 30 and we were newly-weds of a year! What an adventure lay ahead! Alan started his 2-year full-time MBA at IESE and I started 11 very happy years teaching English in The Lewis School of Languages and then went onto doing my DELTA (UK Master's Level Studies). We both made friends: blood brothers and sisters from all over the world who have supported us through the tougher times and shared in our celebrations. Who would have thought that 25 years on we'd still be here?

PS I've never been so behind with blips....but I have got daily shots to post and will get up to date - at least with posting - in the next few days.

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