'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A favourite walk and fresh flowers...

So today hasn't been the best for a variety of reasons which is why ending it with 3+1 is a good way to end it! Going to bed with the positives.

Three beautiful things:
- buying some fresh flowers for home. A simple thing but makes such a difference to me when I have fresh flowers dotted around the house. It also symbolic in that it means I will be spending some time in my home for the next few days. Something which I haven't done very much since breaking up for the summer holidays 6 weeks ago. In a bizarre way it has felt like I am having to teach myself how to 'be' in my own home again. So that started with fresh flowers.

- My favourite walk along the River Avon. Today it was perfect to do the circular walk of 3.5 miles. It has been a least 4 months since I last did this and I love seeing how the seasons change it. Even better were the juicy blackberries found along the way. Needless to say lunch was not required!

- Watching Jem (my spaniel mix) jump into the river and swim down stream whilst Millie (the Jack Russell) and I walk along the bank keeping watch. She loves this section and thankfully for me it is quite safe in lower waters. What does make me smile is how Millie will then seem to 'tell her off after. Jem doesn't care though as she is truly in her element.

One thing to be grateful for today:

A long telephone call to a voice of reason and good advice. Thank you.

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