A sad day!

Today saw the harvest festival at my mums church but also the last service to be held here. For over a hundred years this fellowship has been worshipping here. My mum, my dad and my grandparents have all been members at this church. Galaad Methodist Church has now closed its doors for good. Very sad day for them all. I was asked if I along with Mum would light the candle at the start of the service. A lovely thing for me to do. I did the same with my Dad at the Christmas service some weeks before he died. My Mum especially feels it as she now has no church and no minister. She hopefully will find a church soon bless her! It wasn't viable for it to continue. This photo shows the current congregation who now have to find a church to go to. My Mum is front left in the striped jacket. Many don't drive and so it's not going to be easy.

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