Yesterday afternoon I went with my friend A to a garden I've only recently discovered. The garden is centred around a château, and was created because in 1999 the 'great storm' flattened 15 000 mainly oak trees. In an attempt to help the garden recover they invited in several world renowned artists to create some sculptures from the fallen trees. Work from Andy Goldsworthy and Antony Gormley sits beautifully in the gardens. The owners have planted 60 000 oak saplings. You can see the photos here
Tonight sees the vernissage of the camera club boxing exhibition. I have 3 photos in the expo and there are 15 of us all exhibiting 3 photos.
- 12
- 0
- Canon EOS 5D Mark III
- 1/1000
- f/2.8
- 100mm
- 100
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