My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Dentist... doctor's...

I had a big filling this morning at the dentist (pictured) - not easy as it is on the side of my neck surgery that I had in 1994. As a result all the nerves in that side of my neck and face have reconnected in a random manner... so it took 3 injections to get the right one! I have spent most of the day with a numb face on one side (from my forehead, right eye, and all the way down to my mouth and chin)! Now that it's all wearing off, it's aching a lot!

This afternoon was dominated by a trip to the doctor's with Baby L. She still has a tummy bug which the doctor says could last a week and we're to go back if she still has it next Monday. The doctor gave her a full check over, from head to sore bum. She is not dehydrated, which is good, but she gave her some electrolyte solution anyway. (After having a few sips of this tonight, she vommed up her dinner so we might not give this again - there's no way I'm going to get 200ml down her!)

Good news is that our friend's daughter has not got chickenpox, so that's one worry out of the way.

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