
By CharlotteJ

New lights

My new bedside lamps.

I'm rather annoyed tonight.  The wallpaper Chris took great time and care over has today 'puckered' and its through no fault of his!  The puckering is all thanks to the floor guys and their great big staple machine pointing at the new wallpapered wall...I didn't notice until it was too late.  All the hot air that the machine produced was pointing at the wall and has hence made the wallpaper 'bubble'.   The floor looks great btw (I've gone for wood rather than carpet) but certain sections of the wall don't look so great now and I really feel for Chris as yesterday and at 6am this morning the walls were perfect with no bubbles or puckering in sight!  He did such a great job and lots of time and care went into that wall as he wanted it perfect, and it was!  He asked me to order more paper so that he can re do at the weekend....i really don't want him to have to think about it again....its not that bad.....he has other things to think about...hes off traveling tomorrow for work.  I love the wallpaper, puckering and all!

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