Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Red faced mousebird...

In Malawi, I had lots of mousebirds in my garden but never a red faced one! Where I am staying in Zambia, its a residential area but there are plenty of trees and shrubs around!  Unfortunately the mousebirds choose the very top of one of the bushes and its quite far away so difficult to get the actual bird in focus!  However, at least this gives you the gist!

Regarding language study, we have hit a barrier as we have had a new teacher for the past week and he is really not good at explaining how the language is put together!  He speaks chinyanja fluently of course but the actual teaching leaves a lot to be desired.  So today some of us went to complain - not sure if there is anything they can do but really the last few days have been a struggle!

A large group is coming from Malawi to visit our church and today I donated three blue barrels to store water while they are here!  As I mentioned before, in Lusaka there are a lot of water problems and they are sleeping in a church with a dirt floor, with makeshift bathrooms, and so we need to store water!  The visitors arrive on Thursday and there is a lot of excitement at the church!

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