Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Little Dumb Dumb

Ella (sister to Sophie from yesterday's blip) is the sweetest little dog but is challenged in the brilliance department.  

She is almost 2 years old and doesn't know how to sit on command yet, doesn't come when you call her real name,  and pretty much has the "lights are on but nobody is home" look most of the time.  

We started calling her "Little Dumb Dumb" about six months ago and she now is starting to respond to that.  So maybe there is hope that she will learn other commands in the future.  

BTW - She was sitting on the Lazy Boy this evening and the sun was shining on her from the left and made for a pretty nice picture.  In manual mode, I underexposed the photo and then post processed by lightening her face just a tad to get this effect. 

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