
A lovely and very warm morning. It was definitely warmer outside than it was inside.  BB went off to breakfast club with lots of stuff  – school bag, football bag, rugby ball and there may have been more!  Work was quite relaxed today, until lunchtime, when an issue appeared in my in box.  Unfortunately that issue overtook the rest of my day and my to do list is not getting any shorter.  Yet again I didn’t get away as early as I would have liked, but I did leave in time to do an errand before catching my bus home.

The boys were at football training, and didn’t come home the best of friends.  I escaped for a short walk  in the drizzle to increase my step count.

Blips were definitely lacking today.  Here is the building which has been built following this demolition.  This is what the corner used to look like.  I am not overly impressed with the new building.

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