Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Monday -- Labor Day (not) a Holiday

For our son-in-law, this day has not been a holiday. He has been busy building a fence in his back yard. For the past year he has been busy upgrading and improving his home and back yard for the upcoming November 12th wedding of his daughter (our granddaughter) Ashly.

She and her fiance, Robert, have been engaged for almost a year-and-a-half. Soon after their engagement, she decided she wanted her wedding in the back yard. I think she'd seen the horrendous fees to rent a facility and decided that money could be invested into her daddy's back yard. This has caused her daddy a lot of work, but the reward of an improved house and yard will last beyond the special day.

Our daughter sent us this photo. She has lived with us since June 2015, and she and our son-in-law have been separated for a little over 4 years, and actually we thought they had recently filed all the paper work to be officially divorced, but last night she spent the night at her husband's house and made contact with us this morning with this photo. Today our son-in-law, John, will complete the installation of the new back yard fence. The back section is completed. Today he will put in the side wall.

This is certainly not a holiday for him.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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