The Red Claw Tavern
Dear Diary,
The Red Claw Tavern is my favorite local eatery. It is part of Bay Haven, a seafood restaurant. They serve the best lobster stew and lobster casserole and I try to go there a couple times a month. Surprisingly, there are several excellent local establishments so I needn't go all the way into Portland for a great meal. Karen and I will be eating in Portland on Friday after our visit to the Winslow Homer Studio...I'm really looking forward to our outing and the weather looks perfect.
On a more somber note, one of my Blue Boys flew into the glass door of the guest room and was killed instantly. I heard the thud and went out to investigate. I was so upset as you can imagine. I took him away and buried him in the woods and on my way back I saw Philomena watching me from the stone wall. I do care so deeply for my little ones. It's so hard when one dies.
It is also a bad omen when a bird strikes a window. Five years ago I was staying in a cottage on South Uist in Scotland when a bird hit my bedroom window. Two days later I learned my neighbor here in Maine had died. I hope that isn't the case now. I am not an overly superstitious person generally but this always makes my skin crawl.
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