Another Sky!

It's been far too hot for work today - I'm on the top floor of an old Victorian House with no air conditioning, and not only that, my office is at the front so I have the sun all day.  

I met Barbs at lunch time to celebrate her 60th birthday which was yesterday, and we had a nice lunch sat outside Pizza Express. Luckily I received an email this morning with a two for one deal, so that made it even better!

Anyway, I've finished work for this week and have a weeks' holiday next week, so I won't be back until the 19th.  I still haven't heard about my notice period, other than a phone call to say they don't think they can agree to me leaving early and I'll have to leave it with them.  I refrained from saying anything at this point as I don't want to shoot myself in the foot, but if they do decline it, I've got a strong argument to put to them and either way, I will be leaving on the 28th.  If they're true to form though, I won't hear anything else and it'll get to the 28th.  If that's the case, I'll email them 10 minutes before I leave to confirm that I've handed my key over and that I'm leaving the building.

As you can see, we had another fantastic sky tonight, although not quite as impressive as last night, but I didn't have time to go out to get any photos so this was taken from our back bedroom window looking over Saltdean.

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