I've been a bit short on blip words lately, but rest assured, they are all dammed up and ready to burst forth first chance I get.
Today was a suspiciously quiet Wednesday, with kids' activities not really underway yet. So I took advantage and grabbed a few minutes under the vine with my book. Earlier, a meeting with the school bank to try and make my life easier, some typing of hard things in French, and much collecting of children in our still-new-to-me two-centred school system.
Slightly later, TallGirl proved she's still more anglophone than anything else by getting adjectives in the right order. That she can do the same in French makes me smile really a lot.
Properly later, Mr B cooked barbie food for the gazillionth night in a row, and I found myself agreeing that I'd rather have Mrs T in charge than Donald Trump. Also much World War One helmet discussion, led by the junior Bs who both had way more to say about the subject than I could ever imagine.
I will catch up with backblips. The times they are a-changing.
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